The dictionary meaning of the word ‘craving’ amounts to –‘ set one’s heart (or mind) upon something or to hanker after, pine for, or covet …It is used in association with a person desiring something as a devotee or as an aspirant or a seeker. In Sahaj Marg, the dictionary meaning applies impeccably. Each abhyasi is a seeker, so he /she literally ‘set’s his/her heart upon achieving the goal i.e. mergence with the Master. The question which now arises is this: can this ‘craving’ or yearning be used as tool to shape ourselves into perfect beings. If we use it with dynamism then it can help us in being more obedient to the Guru and the prescribed system and further, it can help us to identify with the Master and try to emulate Him, thereby reaching the goal more easily. Also, craving becomes a manifestation of one’s love for Him-the one who is Love Incarnate. This craving or yearning springs from our deepest, innermost self and it becomes the basis or platform of our sadhana. It helps to fortifies the foundation of one’s sadhana.
Craving is the overt aspect of a covert intensity of the aspirant’s longing for the Guru- the latent divinity which is present in everyone’s life. Due to this intense craving ‘Constant Remembrance’ becomes second nature to the abhyasi. It becomes a 24 x 7 activity! It also becomes the measuring rod or barometer in judging the sincerity of one’s sadhana. With craving in one’s heart the practitioner will leave no stone unturned to reach his Master. Moreover, he/she will want to overcome all odds to be close to the One whom he/ she holds close to the heart. Without craving the aspirant’s sadhana is like a body minus it’s soul- a house without inhabitants. Bereft of craving the practice becomes just lip- service…..hollow.
Craving also happens to be that propelling force for the shaft (arrow) of the aspirant’s sadhana taking it straight to the heart of the Master and it is only due to this craving or longing that we become the beneficiaries of His divine love and benevolence, which may be compared to a celestial shower in the desert-land of our day to day routine or prosaic lives. Our craving helps us to catch His attention and become the recipients of His boundless love. It becomes a two- way exchange. In being focused on Him we catch his focus.
Master has said in the book- ‘He, Hookah and I’ (Informal Conversations) “that only with a sense of purpose does ‘will’ come into play”. Therefore, we may consider ‘craving’ to be the strengthening force ( as it helps in creating a strong will) which makes us single-minded about our practice thus making our sadhana purposeful.
In conclusion, one may say that only through sincere craving or a deep yearning is the sadhak (the adorer) able to accomplish the end result of his sadhana - what he set’s his heart upon - and win over object of his/her adoration – the Beloved , the Master.
Neelam Sethi
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