Thursday, April 23, 2009




  1. Garment of Love


His Garment of Love she wears

Each time she closes her eyes and prays

Vertical ‘seconds’ interwoven

With horizontal ‘minutes’ of today

      ‘Hours’ wherein form patterns

Of a flowing blissful array;

This fabric becomes her shroud-

Day and Night, Night and Day !




  1. Awakening


From the deep crevices of   Darkness

My soul did arise one day

Seeking a new Awakening…..


Only to find that which had lost itself

In this cold, callous world of material dreams



An inner beacon of Light beckoned it then

Showing the illumined Path

And in a Flash…the soul found itself

Like a mighty Star…suspended within Nothingness

      Transcending Time - in the Universe of His Eternity…..



3. Divine Deliverance


He pervades in Silence

The Temple of my Being

As smoke arising from incense

Permeates the air

Hollow and light I feel

An empty reed…..


Shall He turn me into a flute

For tunes of his Delight…..expressing  cosmic ecstasies?



  1. Maze of Life



      I stand before Him-

to thank Him …

For each trial, each tribulation

            Each sorrow, each disappointment

            Each pain, each despair…

            And tighten my clasp on Him… gratefully, for

            Weathered and strengthened

             I sense His presence in this Maze of Life





  1. …..I found Him


In the beauty of the garden ,

In the chirping of the birds and insects…I found Him

In the patterns of a butterfly’s wing ,

In the colors of the rainbow…I found Him

In the smiles of children,

In the sweet voice of a friend…I found Him

In the simple acts of kindness,

In the angst of the righteous…I found Him

In the most mundane situations,

In the most profound scriptures…I found Him

In the hearts of all around me … I found Him

Always apart and outside of myself I found Him


I plunged into my innermost recesses of my-self

In desperation and despair

And then as time stood still

In one eternal moment

Within my heart……………………I found Him.



  1. Soul  Healer


          He mends my broken spirit

            Bruised and so raw

    He heals me from within- the dark soul


He gives to me of Himself

He treats my torn ‘inside’ with the soothing balm of Prayer

          -He makes me whole again.

Renewed and laughing I rise again

With zest like a phoenix

 Flamboyant, upright, strong

 I live again……